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Humanity Goals

Let's talk about something New,Something different that we need to Think beyond or Just say by reading these Post giving attention for only 10 Minutes May your are become Reason for Changing many Human life.Since from the Many years but Now it's enough now coming generation we can't make give opportunity to our Children's to arise a guilt and irritate Question as "Why Our Country is stil Developing Country why not Developed Country???"

Today we are going to talk about the Developing Countries.We are first Human later We are a Citizens of respective Countries.My intension not partial but for Sake of Every Developing Country not only India because A World is Love Of Unity.

My Enthusiasm for Making "India as Developed Country" born from Inspiring The Great Words of Great Scientist and Ex President 'A.P.J Abdul Kalam Azad ji',Who reffered in their Auto Biography Book ",'It's Every Citizen dream to Making India As Developed Country".Convey regards and my Best Message For all youth Readers is to make Inspires by Quotes and Endeovors Your best for Making every Country towards Growth. 

So let's start about the Developing Countries,there are nearly many Countries which are underdeveloped.

What is Underdeveloped or Developing Countries?

developing country (or a low and middle income country (LMIC), less developed countryless economically developed country(LEDC), or underdeveloped country) is a country with a less developed industrial baseand a low Human Development Index (HDI) relative to other countries.However, this definition is not universally agreed upon. There is also no clear agreement on which countries fit this category.A nation's GDP per capita compared with other nations can also be a reference point.

Causes of Developing Countries:

The term "developing" describes a currently observed situation and not a changing dynamic or expected direction of progress. Since the late 1990s, developing countries tended to demonstrate higher growth rates than developed countries.Developing countries include, in decreasing order of economic growth or size of the capital market: newly industrialized countriesemerging marketsfrontier marketsleast developed countries. Therefore, the least developed countries are the poorest of the developing countries.

Significance of Developing Countries

Developing countries tend to have some characteristics in common. For example, with regards to health risks, they commonly have: low levels of access to safe drinking watersanitation and hygieneenergy poverty; high levels of pollution (e.g. air pollutionindoor air pollutionwater pollution); high proportion of people with tropical and infectious diseases (neglected tropical diseases); high number of road traffic accidents. Often, there is also widespread poverty, low education levels, inadequate access to family planningservices, corruption at all government levels and a lack of so-called good governanceEffects of global warming (climate change) are expected to impact developing countries more than wealthier countries, as most of them have a high "climate vulnerability"

Common Challenges Facing 

Most developing countries have these criteria in common:

The Countries are mostly take many challeges which results to Hinders amoung Nations Growth.

  • High levels of poverty – measured based on GNI per capita averaged over three years. For example, if the GNI per capita is less than US $1,025 (as of 2018) the country is regarded as a least developed country.[30]
  • Human resource weakness (based on indicators of nutritionhealtheducation and adult literacy; for example low literacy levels).
  • Economic vulnerability (based on instability of agricultural production, instability of exports of goods and services, economic importance of non-traditional activities, merchandise export concentration, handicap of economic smallness, and the percentage of population displaced by natural disasters).

Now Let Sight on Other Major Challenges


On Considering the Criteria and Basis the all the below barriers here prepared some best Quotes.The Quotes main motive is to convert mind for 1.Everyone read and 2.Follow practical manners 3.Spread Over Everywhere So that atleast you will happy once in life that as for doing such best thing become 1% reason for our Country growth Contribution by You.On before we go for quotes everyone has to know about it.


When the Peace,Happiness and Honest remains and come a thought in the every Mind,the day when these three are best solution to figure out then no longer Country remains a Developing it's change as a Developed Country.

1."My Dear Citizen's Come I
Will tell you.What is Unity.
Unity is a Power when the
difficulty times comes even
a small Ants becomes
Hundred and Thousand
Unted for towards
acheiving their Success"
Dadagari Jeelan

2.Love is doesn't mean to
express by the costly Ring or
Expensive Car but more than
finding their Happiness where
it does it lies and Do for It
Dadagari Jeelan

God already implies Life is
struggling until you win By Sample
of Nature Where all the leaves
have fallen,
There alone the new sprouts are
Dadagari Jeelan


When Mind Reads
Everytimes Money then Ask
One day Heart He Definitely
Answer GoodDeeds
Dadagarl. Jeelan


The Story of Poverty Never
Ends Unil the Every Citizen
Heartnever wear a dress of
Dadagari Jeelan


What is Best Government?
Best Government The Change in
Development is Just a Life on
earth receives the blessings of
the light emitted by the Sun.
Dadagari Jeelan


One Who help To Other for
Bringing Smile on Their Face
is Life Best Smile that Comes
from Heart

Dadagari Jeelan


One who help for
Poor none other
a greater than
Dadagari Jeelan


I Myself Begins to Ask God When
One large tree can supply a 
supply of oxygen for four people
What is Use of Killing of Tress
Dadagari Jeelan


India is Sand of Purity,Ganga
is a Love Waves of
Motherness,Culture is a Divine of Successful Stories.
Dadagari Jeelan


Government has a power
to douse Crimes,
and Unemployment
just like Fire extinguish
with Water
Dadagari Jeelan


When You Say
Anyone Characterless
then it's mean you are
reason behind for
making Chatacterless
Dadagari Jeelan


Education is a Seed which
grow a Discipline,
Character and Money
Dadagari Jeelan


What is Love? Come I Explain What is
Love,To Pick up and later throwing and
killing Flower is Doesn't reffered for Love
but more to Attentioning while for Some
time and Enjoy the Beauty of Flower and
regular Watering It is Real Love.
Dadagari Jeelan

Whenever I See Tree I feel
their is a behind love,Care,
Faith just like Family where
Roots are Mother,Stems are Fathers,Leaves
are Siblings, and Flowers are Children's
Dadagari Jeelan


Giving Up is
remorse story
but without
struggle until
even god
enters making a
success story.


“You (Entrepreneurs) Go and make friendship with the enemies in a field but still all enemies crowd I(God) will be support you.”
Dadagari Jeelan


“A Women to Women in aid,help and support always results for Successful Stories even all Men’s are united”.
Dadagari Jeelan

“The Fact behind siblings are Sister’s never fall in matters of faith and love despite brothers will”
Dadagari Jeelan


“Do Practice until it nsot becomes perfect,and perfect until it not come when Bravery at the top position” from Novel".
Dadagari Jeelan

Evolution in
Non Stop Way

"God says like in Earth Gravitional Force energy brought together,you can find the same attraction between the Men and Women.
Dadagari Jeelan


Just like Root always
desire to strengthen the
Trees Women always
desire to strengthen the
Dadagari Jeelan


India is Until
Country until it's not
begins Respecting to
the Women
Dadagari Jeelan


Women are not justify,Underestimate and Judge because if any men try then women itself having three words M E N just pointing on fingure the three fingers gestures himside.
Dadagari Jeelan


Sometimes I Wondered by the heights of Goodness in Women everytimes On Sacrifice.
Dadagari Jeelan.


Without sky there
cannot be earth and
without earth there
cannot be sky.
Without Women there Cannot
Be Men and Without Men
There cannot be
Dadagari Jeelan

Like Creating a Work needs Two Hands then why not Creating Developed Nations Need Men and Women.
Dadagari Jeelan.

    ***********     The End   ***********


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